Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Back to School

Tomorrow morning at 8:00 the bell will ring, and students will enter my classroom.  I am excited and scared!!  I am that way every year, and I guess if I were not that way then I would need to rethink my career as a teacher.  To be honest, my classroom is NOT where I want it to be in regards to clean, organized, and decorated.  But you know what, it will be OK.  I hope my students are excited for a new year too!!

As I prepared for this year and reflected on last year, I realized that I did a horrible job teaching.  I had seven classes with no planning period.  But I think the biggest thing was losing my father to his battle with pulmonary fibrosis.  I didn't realize how much it affected me until I reflected.  I hope this year I can inspire students and not let them down.  :(

I am looking forward to a wonderful year!!!  :)